Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chucking sickies


I hate it when my babies are sick - especially when it hits all of them.

I got home from a night away in Melbourne and found Lani had been unwell. The next day Benny had it and a few hours later it hit Sisi. Its a nasty bug, so nobody come to our house for the rest of the week. The kids have been taking turns with vomitting, fevers and headaches. This is what the house looked like yesterday.

JJ was the only one that went to school and I was hoping he wouldn't catch it. Kymbo came past last night as she knew Job was at work and thought I may need a hand getting the kids to bed. They were in bed when she got here but it was nice to have the company and she helped me drag out the big mattress so Job and I could sleep in the loungeroom with the kids. I didn't get much sleep last night, there was lots of moaning and grizzling. Sisi had a temp most of the night. I caught up on a lttle sleep this morning with Lani.

Unfortunately during the night, JJ came wandering out form his room crying with a tummy ache. There was a spot left on the couch and he has been there most of today. Here are the kids now.
My poor little miserable girl.

I'm sure I'll be in for another sleepless night tonight. Lets just hope I don't get it - or even worse, Job. He likes to moan and groan louder than the rest of us put together!


The Kings said...

Oh Leona!! That makes me REALLY sad for you all. It's awful when anyone is sick, let alone ALL of the kids at once. You must be SO exhausted!!! Lots of prayers and fingers crossed that they will all get better soon, and that you and Job won't get it too.

Unknown said...

Your poor things :( Hope things get better soon as having a houseful of babies sick is not a good thing. My fingers toes and anything else I can cross is crossed.

Sam and Mariah said...

Ohhhh no! You are all sick! That is horrible! Tell Job NO MACCAS tomorrow we will see that you are sorted!

Nettie's Blog said...

OH NO you poor thing... i feel so bad that i cant come help you .. i have my grand daughters up this week so i hope the southerly wind does not bring it our way up the hill...

Lisa Helen said...

Wow, I can't believe how sick they all are, I hope they get better quickly. It must be so quiet!! Gee I really hope you two don't get it, prayers coming your way :)